Amazon Buy With Prime Campaign
The Mill was tasked with creating animated spots for Amazon’s new feature: Buy With Prime. We made a 30s main video, and 3 off shoots based on the categories in the 30s. The clients loved it so much they came back for a second round immediately after delivering the first. It was a blast thinking of simple yet effective ways to show that you can now make purchases through Amazon Prime on a multitude of other websites.
This was a fun one, we worked direct with Amazon, had a great timeline, lovely clients, and an overall wonderful experience! Enjoy our colorful creations below.
Cutdowns & alts
Cutdowns & alts -
Creative Director: Daena Lorne, Donnie Bauer
Art Director: Anastasia Skrebneva
Animators/Designers: Greg Park, Greg Rubner, Jaimie Yoo